We want to market a new kind of streaming software which allows for vastly efficient UAV-to-ground information transmission. We have independently developed the technology behind the software and we believe that none of the companies active in this field are using the same approach. Because of this we'd like to get a patent for the technology, but we have no idea what kind of investment of time and money that requires. We were looking into US and UK patents for now, and it seems like there is a lot more to invest than just the filing fees. Could you please tell us what the average costs of comparable patenting objectives are?
Answers: 5 public & 2 private
Your basic costs are going to go toward the preparation of a really good patent application - costs will vary from country to country, law firm to law firm, but the cost of a really good patent application can probably be in the neighborhood of, or at least, $5000-$10,000 (7500GBP-15000GBP). Filing fees for the USPTO or the GBPO are fixed - currently in the US, a filing fee for a small entity is approximately $800, 1/2 that for a micro-entity, twice that for a large entity. Then of course you will need to account for several thousands of dollars for the actual prosecution which comprises your attorneys responding to outstanding office action(s) from the Patent Office and negotiating with the examiner until agreement is reached for allowance and issuance of your patent.
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