Hi! We want to register a trademark with the OHIM. The online application seems rather easy, but I was wondering about the classes of goods and service we have to choose. The regular application includes three such classes ... Is this usually enough for a software startup? In what way do the classes which we register matter to our business?
Answers: 4 public & 1 private
We are an international IP firm with offices in the USA, Spain and Chile. All of the information below is agreeable, but I wanted to add two things:
1. You can send me the list of goods and services that you will be commercializing with your trademark and I can prepare for you a class list for free.
2. We recommend you hire a trademark watch service in all of the European Union (both the EU office and the individual countries). In order to know if there are third parties trying to register a conflictingly similar mark in any of these offices.
If you have any additional questions I will be happy to answer them for you.
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