Hello! We are a startup from Denver, Colorado. We are developing a mobile app connecting handheld users with exciting new entertainment opportunities tailored to the user's needs.
How do we best protect our product once it is on the market? Basically, how do we keep competitors from simply replicating our software?
Thank you very much!
Answers: 3 public & 0 private
Unfortunately, there is no legal way to prevent others from copying your code or replicating the functions of your app. However, if you have a patent covering your app, then you will have the right to seek an injunction, licensing, or damages from those who infringe on your patent. While software patents have come under much more scrutiny with recent case law, there are still software patents being issued. It may be best to start with a patent feasibility study to see if the novel aspects of your app are patentable given the prior art and current law.
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