Hello, nice to know your website (just found out).
Four months after having applied for registering the trademark (in the European Union) of my company I've received an opposition for likelihood from a website of the same category, but just basing on the sound of the name.
My question is: Do some offices that can officially check the lawfulness of a potential Trademark in advance (giving an high percentage of accuracy in their analysis) exists - so that can avoid to lose other time and money? I guess that the same DB used by the Trademark office should be at disposal by anyone to be able to do this kind of inspection for enabling a successful application.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help,
Answers: 2 public & 0 private
We are IP private investigators and regularly conduct trademark investigations for clients at any stage in the trademark application process (usually hired by their IP attorney, but work directly with brands as well). For example, if you locate potentially similar marks when preparing to file your application, you could have us conduct an investigation into the use of that mark (whether it is currently in use, how used, markets, if abandoned, when?, etc...). Taking such steps may help you avoid a possible opposition filing by the other party BEFORE they happen & you have invested your time & money in filing the application. We conduct investigations into companies/individuals all over the world, and have specialized in IP investigations as the heart of our company for over 13 years. Good luck to you in your endeavors. All the best, Tamara
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