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Production of human polyclonal antibodies

Patent Pending Origen Therapeutics (, based in Emeryville, California, has developed a platform for avian (chicken) based development and production of human sequence monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and enzymes. Their platform provides next generation immunotherapeutics through discovery and production of novel antibody therapeutics derived from the company’s proprietary avian (chicken) transgenic technology. The focus of the company is the development of fully human sequence polyclonal antibodies for human therapeutic use, particularly to fight infectious disease and cancer. The technology platform can also be applied to the production of more effective and less expensive biopharmaceutical proteins, primarily enzymes. Key features of the Origen Avian Transgenic platform are: • Human sequence monoclonal and polyclonal antibody production • In vivo evolution of Mab’s under specific antigen pressure • Antigen specific polyclonal antibody production • Sequence optimized therapeutic and industrial enzymes • Significantly lower capital & operating costs • Relatively simple implementation & easily scalable • Safer - Chickens are more phylogenetically distant from humans • Less immunogenic - Chicken proteins are not fucosylated • High productivity – Each egg can contain large amounts of high-value product Assets being offered for immediate sale are: • Existing chicken flock that produces a base set of anti-bodies and enzymes • Extensive international patent portfolio • Standard operating procedures • Lab equipment (including avian specific equipment) • Cell cultures and DNA stock. This is one representative patent of a large patent family. Exclusive IPbroker for AsiaPacific region assigned. Please contact through IPEXC directly by clicking below.

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