Circular Bipolar Circumcision Clamp (Circumcision Instrument)
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Circular Bipolar Circumcision Clamp (Circumcision Instrument)

Patent Granted Male circumcision is one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide. Many techniques for circumcision have been used, regardless of which method is selected, there are complications. Because of the inherent problems with the related art, there is a need for an improved circumcision instrument for use in performing circumcision procedures. The main business potential is that the instrument is reusable after sterilization and can be used several times compared to the current disposable devices, which eventually reduces the cost and attract customers. Other major advantages, which further attract buyers, are: - Fast procedure. - Easy to perform. - Safe. This instrument, also, solve the current issues: - Bleeding. - Having a foreign devise/material that is attached to the child’s penis for few days. - Delayed separation of the disposable ring. - Localized superficial infection due to a foreign material. - Proximal migration of the disposable ring. - Parents/care givers anxiety till the disposable devise falls off.

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