How do we develop a good IP strategy?


When we pitch to Angels or VCs, what role should IP play? How do we plan an IP strategy that will complement our business without the cost being too high at the seed stage?

Answers: 4 public & 0 private

IP Broker reports can help guide you in the commercialization path of your IP, invention or idea

Steven weinrieb
Patent Attorney

IP is important - both TMs and patents. TMs establish your brands, effectively denote your products and establish your business' reputation, patents protect your products so that others cannot make, use, or sell them. These are very important parts of your business which need to be protected.

Jerry stanton
Patent Attorney

Early investors want to see that you have some IP protection, at least patent applications. There are many early investors that will invest based only on IP, then they will help you bring a business plan to reality so IP plays a critical role in my experience. Typically at the seed stage a defensive IP strategy is appropriate, patent claims that protect your product from copyists and hopefully any design-arounds you anticipate at the time.

R&D Specialist

As Steven and Jerry mentioned, IP is very important to investors. Having a sound IP strategy gives angel investors a higher level of comfort to invest in your company. In the event that things don't go as plan and the business fails, you could still sell the IP and get a return back, or potentially start over. Demonstrating an IP growth strategy also makes it easier when you need to go back to investors for more money to support your growth. Lastly, make sure you have a good system of record that protects and documents all stages of your product or solution (from concept, testing, to development). This will make it easier when you are ready to engage a patent attorney to start the submission process and demonstrate / review patent eligibility.

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