We would like to protect our company & product name (identical). Some investors whom we approached early on mentioned that good TM protection could be an asset for our first financing round. We are currently aiming to bring our product to the market within a couple of months -- is it possible to get comprehensive protection in that time? Or are we protected from the moment we apply for a trademark anyway? The company is based in London for the moment.
Answers: 2 public & 0 private
In the U.S., you are protected as soon as you use the mark in the market and as soon as you apply if the mark registers. To some extent, that may be true for the UK from what I understand but you really need to check with a UK trademark attorney for that . The EU trademark office registers marks almost as quick as any trademark office I've seen and could possibly register your mark within about 4 months (I believe the approved, published marks need to be published for 3 months). Benelux (Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg) has a combined trademark treaty and registers marks for all 3 countries which I believe may be the fastest of all trademark offices because they conduct only a limited examination. You can check with an attorney in one of those 3 countries but I believe a Benelux registration can be obtained within a week or two.
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