Hi! We want to register a trademark with the OHIM. The online application seems rather easy, but I was wondering about the classes of goods and service we have to choose. The regular application includes three such classes ... Is this usually enough for a software startup? In what way do the classes which we register matter to our business?
Answers: 4 public & 1 private
My name is Krasimira Kadieva – an European trademark attorney and it is my pleasure to answer your question.
You can definitely register your European trademark for software by including three classes in your application and it will be enough. Most of the services for software are included in class 42. However, you can also find software in some other classes. You can file an application until March 22, 2016 for three classes for 900 Euro (if you file the application online). It is important to be informed, that the new Regulation 2015/2424 will enter into force on March 23, 2016 and then the official fee for three classes will be 1050 Euro. In this case if you would like to file your trademark for goods and services in three classes, then you are recommended to file the application before March 23, 2016.
The procedure for filing of the application is not difficult. However, I strongly advise you to perform a preliminary trademark search in order to avoid opposition proceedings. A professional trademark attorney before OHIM can perform this search for you and advise you how to further proceed in case there are identical or similar trademarks. You should be sure that you do not infringe earlier rights in order to avoid opposition proceedings.
In what way do the classes, which you register matter to your business? You can object the use and registration of an identical or similar trademark for identical and/ or similar goods and services for which your trademark has been registered.
I am wishing you a successful registration of your trademark.
With best regards,
Krasimira Kadieva
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